Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Associated Press: Tony Blair criticizes Vatican attitude toward gays

"Roman Catholic leaders are out of step with ordinary believers in their attitude toward homosexuals, former Prime Minister Tony Blair said in an interview published Wednesday."

Should the Ten Commandments be changed too?

1 comment:

  1. Of course we should, that way anyone can do what ever they please with no moral side effects. Ya know that though shall not kill means that you can kill "if you think you need to" and though shall not steal only applies if you "don't feel like doing it". Funniest part is the fact that last time I checked, the "moral right" wasn't going around and forcing their beliefs on anyone, but are more dangerous then extremist Muslims that kill people strictly because "they don't have the right religious beliefs" but that's okay, cause if we disagree with their values, it must be our fault.
